Novum Nexum

– exhibition design

The theme “LSD in Psychotherapy” sheds light on the development, neurological effects and current applications of LSD as a potential therapeutic agent. The exhibition offers a unique insight into the past, present and future of this controversial but promising method of psychotherapy.

The traveling exhibition “Novum Nexum” travels from university to university to target psychology students. This makes sense, as universities provide a particularly interested and knowledgeable audience that can benefit from the in-depth exploration of the topic, while creating an academic space to stimulate controversial but important discussions about the integration of LSD into psychotherapy.

The basic concept of the exhibition is that LSD is not referred to by name. The exhibition refers exclusively to “Novum Nexum”, which is described as a new therapeutic agent with potential, and consists of 5 individual modules, each dealing with a small part of the topic and providing a transition to the last module “the dissolution”, in which “Novum Nexum” is named as LSD.

by Leonie Commans, Andre Franzsiky, Sören Weinstein
for the 6th Semester at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd